Samstag, 2. November 2019


Hi lovelies,

I have a lot of explaining to do about where I've been in the past few months and why I suddenly disappeared, but don't worry, I can already tell you that it wasn't by choice, I in fact didn't get tired of blogging, I didn't lose my motivation and neither my passion. 
So, starting around March/April 2019 I abruptly felt bad, not just mentally but especially physically. I wasn't able to do anything anymore, I constantly was in pain, feeling pretty strange and weak, still thinking it was nothing serious, thinking I didn't need to see a doctor, even though this feeling lasted for months. The peak of the whole situation was while I spent some time with my parents at home, during the summer holidays. I felt pretty weird that morning, in pain once again, but still thought it was nothing too serious, since I had a bunch of stuff to do that day - then something occurred that shouldn't have happened, the next thing I remembered was waking up in the hospital. Everyone was in shock, pretty important to add that my whole family is healthy, there are no diseases going around, telling me that I had some pretty bad seizure ( not wanting to imagine what would have happened if I was all alone in my own flat ), my blood values were horrible, just like a rapid diagnosis that apparently I suffer from epilepsy, without any kind of reasons until this day. 
I would describe myself as pretty strong, not wanting to sound too dramatic - it is what it is, I accepted it, after some time of recovery I managed to live a normal life again but with medicine & doctor appointments every now and then.

My life is luckily pretty normal again, I'm in my own flat, going to Uni, I am happy, just living my life even tho' all the time I missed blogging pretty badly, after all it was a part of me for years.
So here I am, stronger than ever, can't wait for this new era to start now!

I was already looking forward to report about this blog post for a pretty long time by now!
It was my first time visiting Berlin a few months ago - one of the most spontaneously, but also one of the greatest trips I've been to, so far. I definitely had a great time. Going through these pictures, I already miss this city!
But let's start from the beginning! A casual day, I just got out of Uni, checking out my mails and suddenly saw a mail with the title 'Invitation'. Opening it right away, having to read it three times just to make sure it wasn't some kind of spam, realizing that it was legit, I was invited to the Fashion Week in Berlin by Hugo Boss, to be precise by Liam Payne and/or his team, who's currently their ambassador, modelling for Hugo Boss, published his own collection a while ago. Super excited, I immediately accepted it, planning the whole trip in just a few hours since the departure had been already the next morning, with barely any sleep, it was still in fact worth it!
And just in case anyone is curious, Liam Payne is a talented artist, publishing his debut album LP1 on the 6th December. Here are two of his latest songs, if you want to know more about him - All I Want ( For Christmas ) & Stack It Up!
I'll get straight to the point, here is a little Follow Me Around of, not gonna lie, the best trip of my life!

See you soon!

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