Dienstag, 20. November 2018

A Weekend In Paris

Hi lovelies and yes! It is time for another travel blog post!

Paris, France! The city of Love! There is so much to do and see in the City of Lights and that's why I spontaneously decided to return to Paris for a weekend! Join me on my adventure to Paris as I share with you what I did in my 2 days of adventure in this lovely city.

Also, before you start reading my ''return to Paris'', feel free to check out my first Paris Follow Me Around, just in case you haven't, yet!

Retourner à Paris

Is there a city you enjoyed more the second time around? Comment below!


2 Kommentare:

  1. I love these photographs you took in Paris! They give much more of a sense of actually being there than do the picture postcard photos I've seen, and make me want to visit Paris (I never have). In fact I haven't traveled much at all, especially recently - but I love seeing the photos of bloggers who do.


    1. Thanks a lot for your words, means a lot to me. x

      All the love
