Samstag, 3. November 2018

Blog and Life Update

Hi lovelies,

Wow. It's been 4 months since my last blog post. It actually feels super weird writing this post. Almost foreign. Nevertheless, I owe you an explanation for my hiatus, what happened during the summer, but also I'd like to discuss about the future of my blog.

I feel so bad about how long it has been since I last posted. I never wanted to be one of those people who had an awesome blog, but then something important in their life changes and they suddenly disappear and never post again. We’re not here for that!
Summer has been insanely busy and basically the time period between August and October has been a complete and total whirlwind.
First of all, two major life changes: 
  1. I finally managed to move out into my very first own apartment, to a completely new city
  2. I got accepted to university and currently study management/business 
( Well, at least until 2020 since another big change is happening/is planned )

I bet I can guess which one you are more surprised about!

As you can imagine moving out was a super stressful experience - especially when it comes to a major life change, such as moving into my very first own flat, hundreds of kilometres away and starting university, only a few days after.
On top of any jitters about leaving home, making new friends, getting along in university, buying furniture and picking a major, while trying to find my way in a city I don't even know, there also used to be quite a few issues with my flat, which have now for the most parts been clarified ( luckily ).

So now that everything has stabilized, mostly, I thought I would give you an update about literally everything going on, currently.
But how does it continue? Will I keep blogging? Will I stop completely? Will there be any mayor changes?

First of all don't worry, stopping is in fact no opportunity for me, I'd miss blogging, you all and basically everything about it way too much!
Blogging, sharing my experiences, trying out new stuff and meeting new people was always an amazing outlet for me, back then in school and that's still how it is today!

My blog posts will be uploaded at least twice a week ( Wednesday & Saturday ), just like before my hiatus - the topics will also remain beauty, cosmetics, lifestyle and fashion because that's what I love, even though there will be several travel posts ( hope you can cope with this small change ) at the meanwhile, since I discovered this hobby for myself, a while ago.
My first trip will already take place in 2 weeks, by the way - back to Paris, since I've fallen completely for this city.

I'm still looking forward to your feedback as well as to suggestions!
Starting next Wednesday there will be regular blog posts, again.
Thank you for all your support so far, I can't wait to see what the future may bring us!


2 Kommentare:

  1. I know that feeling. I only did two blog posts in 2016, only one in 2017, and only two posts so far this year (my last blog post was on Halloween).
    Congratulations on your acceptance to university! Moving to your first apartment in a new city is huge.
    I love reading and looking at your blog and the posts you do here, regardless of how often they are.
    You have all my best wishes for the rest of the year and for all the years ahead! xxoxx

    1. Thanks a lot for your understanding and the lovely comment, it's been stressful few months ( well it still is ),but even though I try to post regularly, again, which means twice a week.

      All the love
