Mittwoch, 7. November 2018

Autumn Night Time Routine 2018

Hi lovelies,

Bedtime is without a doubt my favourite time of the day - fact. I've simply never been nor wished to be a morning person, much preferring to spend extra time in the comfort of my bed... something I'm sure a lot of people can relate to especially at this time of year!

I thought I’d share my autumn night time routine with you all today, as I personally love reading these posts, so that's why I assumed some of you might like them too. I published a night routine back in 2017 but a few things have changed, not only based on the season, but also on the fact that I moved out and currently living on my own - all in all quite a few reasons for me to write this!
Before I start I still would like you to know that my routine is a typical weekday one, after I’d returned from university.

6:00 pm  

I finish university at around six and usually head home to prepare dinner. Once dinner is over, I will mostly do the dishes and clean the kitchen, but also the living area as I feel more comfortable in a hygienic home.

7:00 pm

Luckily I don't have any assignments or projects going on, at the moment, so that's why I use the time off to have some variety, especially after sitting all day but also to calm down. I usually accomplish that with some sports, just like yoga or a simple walk on my own. But of course this change every now and then, especially when there is important stuff to complete.

8:00 pm 

After heading home for the last time of the day, I brew some tea, light some candles as well as fairy lights and turn on my laptop. On the one hand to either work on some blog posts, edit some photos, reply to mails and comments, however on the other hand to just have some fun every now and then, while Skyping with my family as well as close friends, watch my favourite show along with YouTube or play some video games. Although if I have loads of work to do, I'd carry on with it, at this time.

11:00 pm

If I was wearing makeup that day, ( and that's always the case ), this is a perfect time for taking it off and let my skin refresh. As you might already see, the products I frequently use and really do like are all included in the post. Nevertheless, I still link them for you, if anyone is intrested in one of these. After brushing my teeth and mouisturizing my face, I plan my outfit as well as my timetable for the following day and last but not least pack my bag.

12:00 pm

I'm off to bed at around midnight. Even though sleeping in will take a while cause I'm either reading or checking on my Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat every now and then.

And that's the end of my evening routine! I hope you liked seeing what a typical evening has in store for me and I'd love to know what you usually do in the evenings. Also, if you'd like a similar post in the future focused on my morning routine, then I'd definitely be up for writing that! Thank you very much for reading and I'll see you again next Sunday with a new blog post!


Balea Oil Cleanser
Balea Micellar Cleansing Water
LVLY Cleansing Foam
LVLY Skin Toner
Purifying Serum
Balea Eye Cream
L´Oréal Hydra Active 3
Balea Facial Mask


3 Kommentare:

  1. Ich liebe die Hautpflegeprodukte von Balea! Meine Haut verträgt eigentlich nicht viel. Zur Hautpflege benutze ich nur Mizellenwasser und das Astaxanthin von Aber Masken von Balea habe ich bisher immer vertragen, deshalb gönne ich mir da ab und an auch eine. Die Vanilla Chai & Kürbis kenne ich aber noch gar nicht!

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Vielen lieben Dank für dein Kommentar! Astaxanthin gört sich super interessant an, da werde ich auf jeden Fall mal vorbei schauen!

      Liebe Grüße

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